Next Sale: 1888 Auctioneers Sale No.9 - TBA (possible date in late September 2024)
Please visit our website (link below) to view or download the Auction Catalogue - N/A
Hard copies of the Brochure have been posted to all subscribers on ????????, we hope to host our on-line Auction Catlaogue with Images of every lot by ????????, please visit www.easyliveauction.com

Please visit: www.1888auctioneers.com


1888 Auctioneers Limited is a new venture by partners Steven 'Sol' Solomon, Jason Gibbons & Warren Murray.


We have operated 'Footy Progs' as a Postal Auction partnership for 15 years.


We have the largest eBay store in the world, selling Football programmes and Sporting memorabilia under the infamous banner ‘BobFrankandElvis’.


Our knowledge of the industry is in-depth, we operate effectively and profitably on every level from the most collectable and valuable items to the standard ‘common’ programmes & collectables which many of our competitors simply refuse to handle.


From £250,000 grossing Live Auction sales, £2 items on our offers list and our much maligned “£2.99 with free postage” eBay store with over 243,000 items currently in stock, we know the market place on every platform and every level with the client base to match.


We are a full-time partnership and now limited business with the launch of ‘1888 Auctioneers Ltd’.


1888 Auctioneers Ltd’ was launched to specialise in ‘Live’ Auctions and our first ‘sole’ auction was held on: Tuesday 25th August 2020.


We would like to offer YOU the opportunity to become a vendor for our up-coming sales.  You can submit suitable lots for up-coming sales.


If you have any items you would like to submit or would like to discuss in detail, then please email your details and we will get in contact.