Current Issue:
(website last up-dated 12/02/2025)
Our latest:
Issue Number: 145
Out now and available to
The closing date for 'offers' is:
Thursday 27th February 2025
@ midnight
Click on any of the above 'links' to view the brochure's listed.
WhatsApp Office Number
for message purposes ONLY:
07532 672 812
Send/Receive Bids, Images & Questions instantly, no Postal delays!
Our Aim:
To produce Postal Auctions every 4-6 weeks in addition to producing and hosting 3/4 'Live Sales' each year.
We thank our long standing client base for your continued support &
welcome all our new customers.
We look forward to supplying you all with items that interest and excite you.
Steven, Jason & Warren
Standard office hours are:
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
Please note the office is closed of a weekend.
Due to the nature of our business we can spend large periods of time out of the office.
We're here to help!
Steven Solomon - Partner
Tel: +44 121 2709449
Twitter: @SteveSol1979
Warren Murray - Partner
Twitter: @warren_murray
Jason Gibbons - Partner
Twitter: @8igjay